Friday, May 6, 2011

Photo Friday 4/29/11-5/6/11

It's that wonderful time of the week again!!!  Let's see how it turned out shall we?


 A whole lot of nothing (and I enjoyed it).


I did say I was a sucker for craft fairs right?


(Oh yes I am teasing you with this YUMMY deliciousness!) We had a pizza night and watched a movie. :)


I worked in the yard (see the weeds. They aren't there anymore).


Well, Tuesday was a busy day, lets leave it at this.... Ant's-1: Patty-0 (but not for long!)


I ate lunch here with my dad (one of the oldest resturants in my little town!) It doesnt look like much but they sure make a YUMMY " taco burger"


Buddy Day! (Faces have been changed to protect the innocent)


Remember these little babys? Yeah I have plans to pick me some today!!!

SO, how was your week?

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mommys!!!


emily said...

No way, those faces are changed? Are you sure? ;-)

We need to get going on our garden, too! My brother keeps saying, "I just need help picking up rocks." I guess that's his best excuse for dragging his feet.

Megan said...

haha, I laughed at your changed faces. cute!

Looks like a great week. And yes, those little crappy looking "restaurants" are sometimes some of the best!