Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gleek -out!

I'm getting a late start on my post today. We had "Buddy Day" at school so I spent all morning playing carnival games with 4 little boys.  The Kids enjoyed it, and bonus I got my exercise in and a little sun.
(pictures below are not from buddy day but aren't they cute?)

So as you guys have heard me say before, my husband and I are crazy! (OK not really but, well maybe we are hahaha) and y’all have also heard me say before my husband is a work-a-holic, and we don't get to do a whole lot of "Date Nights". Well with that said we do have one silly little Daily thing we do.

You all have heard of the hit T.V. show Glee right?  Well one of our local radio stations  Plays one song from the hit T.V. series Daily at 3 O'clock. It has officially been dubbed GLEE O'clock.

With that said, We do watch and like the show. At first it was just a me thing, where I'd watch the show and laugh about something that happened and tell him and he'd look at me like I was completely insane.

Eventually he started catching bits and pieces (because I'd see something funny and then I'd save it (THANK YOU DVR) and show him later) .

Finally one day he said "HEY don't watch tonight’s Glee without me". And so now it is officially one of the shows we watch. (I DVR all the shows we want to watch and we try and watch about 1 show an evening. Some shows get pushed back to after the seasons are over ect. Anyways I digress)

At the beginning of the school year I happened to come across Glee O'clock, because at 3 in the afternoon I'm in our schools car rider line picking up my boys, and told him about it.  So now where ever he is in the area, he stops and goes out to the truck and turns on the radio to listen to Glee with me. It has officially become our "Thing". 

I look forward to hearing our radio dj ring the school bell and announce "Attention all Gleeks, It's that time..."  and then he goes into his announcement of the song. :)
There are a few of our favorite performances from the show, and yes they are on my Ipod too!
See told you we are crazy!

Do you have a crazy "Thing" you do regularly?


emily said...

Yes, the boys are VERY cute! And OF COURSE I've heard of Glee! I love Glee. That's so awesome that your hubby likes it too.

Let's see...a crazy thing I do regularly? Hmm...well, I live with my brother and sister-in-law so sometimes I just need "me" time. I'll go home, shut my door, and just hang in my room by myself; watch a movie, paint my nails, just some "me" time. Is that "crazy"?

Tracy said...

that's sweet that you guys have a daily tradition!

Megan said...

I haven't watched Glee yet, but everyone seems to love it! I totally can't see Wayne getting on board with it, so it may be a megan only show. (although he did watch sex and the city with me...but I think it's all the singing that he wouldn't get into)

So cute that you and Joey make the time for this togetherness! :)