My “Whimsy garden”. We just started work on it this weekend so the finished product isn’t up and ready but I had to share anyways. Isn’t it adorable??????? My husband’s response when I asked what he thought about it was and I do quote exactly here “Ummm, It’s Girly”. Such an enthusiast! The entire time I spent gathering the stuff for it he thought I was crazy, especially about the bugs. The only thing I think I’m lacking is of course the dirt (HA) one large metal flower, a Gnome, and a couple of tea cups/ teapots with real flowers in it. So stay tuned when I do officially have the finished product I will post more pictures J
The last of our (mine and the boys that is) pride and joys would be the “veggie garden” and newly added “Mini orchard” (we have baby peaches already! I will say the orchard was the ideas of my boys not mine. They really wanted the fruit trees we had room so I said heck why not.) In our garden, we grow tomatoes, green beans (from seeds the boys planted) , squash, bell pepper, carrots (the boys seeded again), and occasionally when I get a wild hair and feel like itching all day okra, but not this season. We’ve already got 2 tomatoes (one on my Josh bush and one on my Chris bush. THEY WERE SOOOO EXICED.) The orchard has 1 Apple tree, 1 Peach tree, 1 Pear tree, and 1 Orange tree. As I’ve previously stated, we decided this year instead of cultivating weeds , we’d do an above ground “Box” garden and put in sprinklers for us lazy people. Joey decided ,thus furthering our laziness, that we should do them in EVERY garden and all over the yard and so we did. Yup, we are totally lazy.
1 comment:
Patty, your gardens are awesome!!! They are really looking good this year!
I swear, you have got to be one of the most amazingly talented women I know...if not THE most talented!
I love your new whimsy garden!! How can you not smile when you see it?! So fun!!
Hope you and your boys grow some delicious veggies!!
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