Friday, April 8, 2011

Photo Friday 4/2 - 4/8/11

Welcome to the inaugural post of  "Photo Friday" (a HUGE Thank You to Megan for the catchy name ). As I’ve previously mentioned here, I am going to start posting every Friday a picture from every day that week that best describes each day. (and no it doesn't have to be taken that day, you can even find it off the internet if need be)  Believe it or not it was kind of difficult to pick just one picture to describe a few of my days, because not always does one picture do my day justice, but the idea is to provide some insight on day to day life inside our homes. Doesn’t that small little nosey part of you want a peek at what other people normally do?  Maybe it’s just me who knows. Without further ado here is my week in pictures. Feel free to join in, and if you do please refrence me in your post to spread the word :)

Saturday was pretty much fun in the sun, baseball game then pool party! :)

Sunday was "returns day" we went to atleast 8 different stores blech!

Monday  I had hoped to do a little yard recon but well weather didnt allow

Tuesday I awoke to SEVERE allergies, I'm talking red, swollen eyes THANK YOU DUST!

Wednesday was more chore day than anything

Thursday Titan described best (IS IT THE WEEKEND YET????)
Friday- I'm really feeling the work outs this week UGGGH talk about noodle arms!

Sometime between all of that, I also found time to play outside with the kids, plant more veggies, weed a couple of flowerbeds, work on frog houses, cook and clean up normal daily chores, pick up kids, and go to the grocery store just to name a few!

 and since I promised, Here is a picture of our first ever Tennant! :) and no post would ever be complete without a picture of these two! Have a great weekend Folks!


Megan said...

How awesome is this?!

Your pics are great!! I'm not sure if I have a pic for every day this week, but I'm going to check and if I do, I'll post them and link up to you. And if I don't, I'll post about your idea and link up to you anyway. :)

Gail@Sophisticated Steps said...

I have about 3,249 pics per day. Almost.

It IS fun to see in people's lives. Nosey human nature, I guess. Lol.

Cute boys!!!

Sophisticated Steps

Tracy said...

I like the Photo Friday idea! Very fun!
If you're Megan's best friend, I'll follow you!! It also looks like you have some fun craft/cooking ideas here, and I always enjoy those :)
*your newest follower!

emily said...

Welcome to the blogging world! (Megan sent me :)

A photo that describes each day of the week...I'm afraid mine would be pretty boring. I'll have to do it the next time I have a vacation week!

Your boys are so cute! I'm a twin, too except my "other half" is a boy. They'll be friends for life, I can guarantee you that. My brother and I are still extremely close and we're 29, so I don't see that changing :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Julia said...

LOVE the picture of your dog!! so hilarious...that is totally how I feel every day but Friday-Sunday! haha :)

oh and p.s. I found your blog from Megan's post!! LOVE IT!

have an awesome weekend!

Bonnie said...

I love looking at people's pictures.
The boys are so cute!!!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88