I guess I should explain because I'm sure you are wondering what exactly is a "SUPER-BAT". Super-Bat comes from my children's love of all things Superman and Batman. Any time I find a Batman something or another I always have to find a Superman, and visa versa. Trust me this is not as easy as it looks.
Anyways several years ago we had a Superman/ Batman birthday party, Batman even visited us! So when the Invites went out we officially dubbed it the SUPER-BAT party. That same Christmas my Mother-in-law, got the boys a Superman and a Batman ornament for the Christmas tree. Fast forward 4 years we now have 4 Superman Ornaments and 4 Batman ornaments and a stocking for each with their character on it. This love of Superman and Batman has extended to pjs, Tshirts and other clothing, Stuffed characters, Action figures, Halloween costumes, Wall Decor, 2 years worth of school supplies, and the list goes on (and on, and on, and on, and on, and on... you get the idea).
There are so many I couldn't even find all of them! |
Christmas was one time where I never thought that I'd have a "Super-Bat" invasion. So when I asked the boys to go pick out our wrapping paper, I never in my wildest dreams expected them to walk back with batman and superman themed Christmas wrapping paper. Needless to say I was flabbergasted. Yes , I know I have a problem saying no to my kids. I mean I say no (obviously because we don't live in a Krypton style mansion, and I don't drive the bat mobile.) But no within reason just isn't in my vocabulary. Expecailly when I can tell they were really excited about the paper. I sucked it up and bought the paper.
Our Wrapping Paper |
My Ideal Christmas tree looks like this. (no it isn't my picture I googled Angel Christmas tree and this was one of many it brought up) Since I was a young girl I have collected Angel Christmas Ornaments and I have tons, but when the boys came along and then started crawling there went the idea of having all my glass pretties on our tree.
Sort Of what I wish our tree looked like |
So we did the plain Jane plastic balls instead. It wasn't perfect but it was safe and the boys love it. Their favorite colors are Blue and Green. So the first year it was just Blue and Green ornaments on the tree. Then the next we added Purple and Black, and then all colors a couple of years ago. Then we've collected a few kid themed ornaments along the way. So our actual ornaments are few and far between they hold special meaning to us.
Unlit tree |
But I must say even though "Super-Bat" invaded my Christmas, I'm surprised at the results. I don't totally hate it, and the boys compromised and let me put plain colored paper with it so it isn't ALL "super" themed, But it's actually kind of cute. At least Its secluded to the inside not outside. (so far....)
These pictures were taken from my actual House and yard THIS Christmas.
What have you decorated your tree with?
Oh my, how intense!! I imagine that such stories are in my future with a boy!
Wow. What do you say to that? It's kind of hilarious!
Ummm...they do know Jesus isn't Super-Bat, right? ;)
Your yard is way more decorated than mine! :( I am slacking.
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