Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I need caffeine

Howdy friends!

(I probably would really use that greeting from time to time in real life, because I love to change things up! Though to debunk the myth, not all of us Texans use "Howdy", "Ya'll", have a horse, own gun, or constantly walk around with cowboy hats on. I just happen to be the stereotypical Texan. That is aside from the hat, I don't wear hats.)

Seriously can we just hook an IV up with caffeine in it to me? I am dragging booty today, and I have a TON to do. I think my wild party nights with the hubby (I.E. watching a movie at home in our pjs eating icecream) are over. I am officially OLD because its catching up with me. I am not sleeping enough, and getting up entirely too early!

(I saw this shirt in the store the other day and could totally relate, but remember I was with 3 boys all weekend.)

It's the last week of school for us. (wooooohhhhoooooooo) Some of you lucky folks already are off on Summer break, and an even luckier few are already taking summer vacations. Consider me extremely J-e-a-l-o-u-s! Next time can I please stow away in your luggage, I promise I won't make much noise (honestly I'd probably just sleep) and you don't have to feed me much. Ok ok a girl can dream right?
(First day of school, how can something seem so long ago and yet just like yesterday simultaneously?)

So how was everyone's memorial weekend? Ours went by entirely too fast. I guess because we were having so much fun! :) We did a little shopping, took a nap, ate, fished, watched movies, played outside, visited with family, and successfully avoided any and all chores that needed to be done this weekend. Productive right? (oh wait the hubby did mow the yard, dang it!)

This week is going to be B-U-S-Y. Besides for the normal chores, I am watching 2 little girls (bringing my afternoon child total to 6!), I have Kindergarten graduation tomorrow (expect pictures) and then Thursday is Early dismissal, and Friday is our first official day of summer! And for a completely random thought, I am planning to start the 30 day post challenge tomorrow. YAY!

Have you planned your summer vacation yet?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sometimes I really just need to remember to breathe.

So, this week has started out all wonky. I had a great weekend only to end up with a child home sick on Monday. (I use the term sick loosely. He ran a fever, that's it. Felt fine just a fever. However school rules state that children are not allowed at school with a fever. So home he stayed.) 

Monday we also received a call that our couch was going to be delivered (You see 2 weeks ago I had the couch warranty people come out and pick up my couch to be repaired, the recliner parts were broken on one side, and it needed a good cleaning. As of Sunday, one week later, they still didn't know they had even received our couch, so Tuesday was a shocker.)  Well lets just say since they had a lack of communication, and didn't correct the problems to my couch, I am now going on my 2nd week without my couch. So needless to say my living room is lacking in places to sit and my house is a wreck and I am frazzled beyond belief, because I just spent the last 2 weeks giving it a massive clean out. *Sigh*

Lets add to that shall we? The same week my couch breaks, my home computer decided to CRASH. I finally got a new home computer over the weekend and spent the day yesterday hooking it up and installing all of the software that my husband I have to have on my computer, and reloading all the documents and pictures and music ect. It's the most used computer we own because both my husband and I use it for business purposes, and needless to say its important! (It usually wears down and requires replacing every few years this one was only a year old!!!)

OH, OH, OH and then my husbands truck decided to break down. You know the truck that he has to have to run his service calls (You know the one that he uses to bring home the bacon). So lets add that to my ever growing frustration list.  Of course I wont burden you with the whole list, this is just the more recient little ones to date.

Just about the time I hit my breaking point for the week, this morning, I had a huge realization. You see all of these small things that get me stressed, really seem petty and totally unimportant when I hear about all the things going on in the world, and our country. I remembered a scripture (Matthew 6:25) and it just made me think no matter the size of the worry or problem it isn't beyond God.  So with that statement, I had a refreshed attitude and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Sometimes I really need to just remember to Breathe. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Game and Festival Fun

***(I tried to post this Monday, and it didn't go through, so this is going to count as my Photo Friday and weekend recap all in one because this week was kind of lame, Monday I planned to finish cleaning house from that major over haul i did but well Long story but I had to get Christopher from school and he didn't go back till Wed.  Then Thursday I felt horrible, stupid allergies, and Friday hasn't happened yet, so lets just call this post that is more interesting and full of fun pictures our week!!!  mmmkay???)

This past weekend was a busy weekend, full of lots of laughs, and fun family together time! :) And lots of memories made and remembered.

We watched our local parade and recieved more than enough candy to feed a small child army! The boys watched the firetrucks  I was throughly and completely dissappointed in the lack of parade participation. Back when I was feature twirler at our school the Frontiers Day parade was a HUGE deal in our little town. But I Digress...This year it was a parade full of fire trucks, police vehicles, cars, rvs, and horses. The boys enjoyed it though!

We left the parade and went to the last Baseball game of the season. Contrary to popular vote via all the parents on the team and a few of the other team members.  My guys and I were sad to see the season end so quickly. I got some pretty good pictures though thats a plus!!!


Then it was off to the fantastic carnival. For frontiers day they bring in local bands, dance studios, and other types of "performers"  so you can see a wide variety of local talent! They also stage an old fashioned Gun Shoot out, which is totally cool. There is also a car show to boot! So needless to say you don't show up to the festival and intend to only stay for just a little while. Here's some pictures of what all we did and saw. (A huge thanks to my dad for the pictures, because I forgot my tiny camera at home!)

What Fun stuff did you do this week?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Photo Friday strikes again!!!

How was every one's week? Mine went pretty much as expected. But have no fear I still have a few pictures up my sleeves!
You can find what I did Friday, Saturday, and Sunday here.


Paper Work Consumed me


I took a break from paperwork to go to lunch with the hubby! :)

(Not my picture, it can be found here, I do have one on my phone though. I actually need to get a lot of pics off my phone.)


Although I was still consumed by paper work, my husband got home in time to take the boys and me to see Thor. (we liked it!)

Thor movie poster can be found here.


We were excited because Joshua became a "Word wall Wizard". (he mastered all his sight words.)
(yes I could have put up a completely normal picture but I LOVED Josh's face in this one!!!!) Oh and I was still consumed with paper work. :{


I can actually answer this one this week. I went on strike. I didn't do anything productive today unless you count putting music on my Ipod productive. hehehe!

Ipod picture can be found here

Weekend Plans

Saturday we have a parade to watch in the morning, then off to our last baseball game, and then to our Annual Frontiers day festival (another of our towns little celebrations) SO much fun.

Then Sunday we have our Tball Ice cream social and chores.
It's going to be a busy weekend.

What is the Highlight of your week, and any plans for the weekend?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Total and complete Randomness

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Ours was peaceful (just how I like it). Anytime I don't have to be in a huge hurry to go go go, I'm one happy (and extremely lucky) woman! So anytime I get asked what I'd like for a holiday usually my response is peaceful family time (who couldn't use more of that in their life right?!).

(When did they grow up? 6hrs old in the picture)

Friday was full of interesting surprises, remember those green beans I said I was planning on picking? Turns out there were more than I thought I had!  Not to mention my hubby got home early from work which NEVER happens! So it was nice to get an early start on the weekend for a change.

Saturday we had a late afternoon  baseball game so it kind of interrupted our Saturday plans, but on the up side ALL of  the family was there in support of our little ball players, they felt extra special and loved. Only one game to go (this Saturday) and the season will be over.

Sunday was wonderful. We played out side, relaxed, accomplished a little of the honey do list I've been compiling and constantly adding to for the last 10 years, and my guys made me feel extra special. They made cook books at their school, with their favorite recipes that I make, and what makes me an extra special mom.  And my hubby gave me an Ipod (long story but lets just say all but my original ipods keep committing suicide (don't ask) and since my "original" is what 5 years old, I desperately needed a new one!) thus furthering my portion of the honey do list, (JK, well sort of) obsession with music.

OK on to more randomness: 

First if you haven't yet, you HAVE to try THESE Snapea Crisps. I found these about I dunno 6 or 7 years ago. and was completely addicted to them when pregnant with my boys. Shortly after they were born, I could no longer find them (I used to have to buy them at specialty stores, and they quit carrying them) anyways MUCH to my surprise on Friday I found them at Walmart of all places!  I really have tried to pace myself and savor them, but I'm afraid this bag will be gone before the day is over. But now I know where to get them from (if all else fails I'll get them off line!) SOOOOO Yummy! I'm planning on trying the rest of what they offer but for now I KNOW the pea crisps are good!

Second, My MIL was out sick last week, and now we are a bit behind on office paperwork, therefore I have volunteered to help play catch up with our office. I know you are thinking really Patty why tell us this. Well long story short, I'm here somewhere, and hoping to be able to complete a blog a day like last week but I'm unsure as to if I'll actually be successful since my "Duties" just quadrupled for this week. Don't be sad I still love you guys, and read your blogs! It just might be at 1 or 2 am instead of the normal 9am-3pm-ish times I normally am around!(hahaha OK not really joking but yeah you get the idea). And it also means my blogs could be lacking in attention and quality for a few days. But I am still going to try and post. Just   in the mean time you guys snap away with those cameras and post your "Photo Fridays" and I'll catch up then if I happen to miss anything!
(this is what I still have left to day as of 5 pm plus my normal monday routine and dinner.)

I hope you have a fabulous week!

What was the best part of your weekend?
(yes they totally posed for this one)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Photo Friday 4/29/11-5/6/11

It's that wonderful time of the week again!!!  Let's see how it turned out shall we?


 A whole lot of nothing (and I enjoyed it).


I did say I was a sucker for craft fairs right?


(Oh yes I am teasing you with this YUMMY deliciousness!) We had a pizza night and watched a movie. :)


I worked in the yard (see the weeds. They aren't there anymore).


Well, Tuesday was a busy day, lets leave it at this.... Ant's-1: Patty-0 (but not for long!)


I ate lunch here with my dad (one of the oldest resturants in my little town!) It doesnt look like much but they sure make a YUMMY " taco burger"


Buddy Day! (Faces have been changed to protect the innocent)


Remember these little babys? Yeah I have plans to pick me some today!!!

SO, how was your week?

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mommys!!!